靈氣自然療法 Reiki Healing

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reiki 發表於 2009-10-21 17:23

CP71 寵物專用皂 Hairy Pet Soap


[quote]這塊皂皂特意做給長毛毛的狗大哥、貓大姐。配方中蓖麻油使毛髮濕潤;可可巴油是著名的護髮專家,使毛髮順滑易梳。茶樹及雪松精油兩者均精於殺菌消毒,而雪松的特性更是進一步提昇免疫力;特別對於呼吸道的細菌感染有超讚的防禦能力。啊!短毛的狗大哥、貓大姐就可以用 CP70 茶樹洗潔皂 得啦!
This is specially made for your dogs and cats with long hair. Castor oil keeps their hair moisturizing while jojoba oil is specialized in nourishing and lubrication, in result they have smooth and soft hair. Both Tea Tree and Atlas Cedarwood essential oils are strong in anti-bacterial. By the way Cedarwood can boost up the immune system as an effective defensive oil of respiratory problems. For short hair dogs and cats, either this soap or CP70 Tea Tree Cleaning Soap.  [/quote]


每塊手工皂平均 80g ±5%。由於手製皂是以全人手切割,當中呎吋及重量可能有輕微偏差。大部份的手製皂於切割時會重過80g,但當中的水份會隨時間而揮發,導致重量可能有輕微偏差。購物每滿HK$100贈送手製皂試用裝一塊/ 15g。

所有Sisa手工肥皂、Sisa Essence芳療產品

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