靈氣自然療法 Reiki Healing

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reiki 發表於 2009-10-21 17:45

CP20 紫草根洗顏皂 Gromwell Root Facial Soap



Most of my friends ask me the same question, “Are you using soap for facial cleaning ? Does it make your skin dry or irritating ?” Even though my skin is type of dry but the answer still definitely “yes”. I need to explain a little more which is providing not any kind of soap could be used on face. I use it at night (since the skin is dirty after the whole day long) but to use aloe vera cleaning gel in the morning to provide skin moisture before make up.

The Gromwell root facial soap has a deep purple blue color as Purple Luo orchid, but with rich and creamy lather. I’m sure you will love it only by taking the appearance color. Palm kernel oil instead of coconut oil, which can provide rich lather by the way very very gentle. Another two gentle and nourishing oils are shea butter and avocado oil, while adding sesame oil is to balance the texture and wash touch within the combination of the oils. The essence and miracle of the whole bar is over 40% olive oil with Cromwell root infused. The secret of the natural purple blue color also comes from there.

售價: HK$ 80 (80g)

每塊手工皂平均 80g ±5%。由於手製皂是以全人手切割,當中呎吋及重量可能有輕微偏差。大部份的手製皂於切割時會重過80g,但當中的水份會隨時間而揮發,導致重量可能有輕微偏差。購物每滿HK$100贈送手製皂試用裝一塊/ 15g。

所有Sisa手工肥皂、Sisa Essence芳療產品

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