靈氣自然療法 Reiki Healing

靈氣自然療法 Reiki Healing's Archiver

reiki 發表於 2009-10-21 17:58

CP10 綠茶月桂皂 Green Tea Bay Laurel Soap




It’s a great masculine soap. Bay Laurel belongs to Lauraceae’s family plant, mostly found in subtropics zone, loves sunshine. Over 50% oxides chemical constituent making its scent and energy as strong as the sun. But I was surprised it’s in harmony with base oils and green tea. The former is an impetuous teenager but then becomes a simple and steady man.   

Bay Laurel essential oil’s physical qualities can stimulate immune system and clean up lymphatic, is a great antiseptic and anti-infectious oil. Well mixed with sesame oil in result, washing touch of the soap is rich and clearness, and best for oily skin. Men love it because of their strong affinities. May be women also need it to strengthen the mental and physical body.       [/quote]

售價: HK$ 60 (80g)

每塊手工皂平均 80g ±5%。由於手製皂是以全人手切割,當中呎吋及重量可能有輕微偏差。大部份的手製皂於切割時會重過80g,但當中的水份會隨時間而揮發,導致重量可能有輕微偏差。購物每滿HK$100贈送手製皂試用裝一塊/ 15g。

所有Sisa手工肥皂、Sisa Essence芳療產品

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