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標題: CP02 薑粒肉桂皂 Ginger Cinnamon Soap [打印本頁]

作者: reiki    時間: 2009-10-21 17:08     標題: CP02 薑粒肉桂皂 Ginger Cinnamon Soap

中秋過後天氣轉涼,女兒開始投訴陰霾寒冷的日子快將來臨;女兒自小體弱怕冷,不愛寒冬。近幾天26 – 27∘度天氣,人家讚爽,她卻要穿上長棉褲,夾裡厚外套。有時看見她奮力抵禦寒冬的日子都有點心痛,希望做這塊皂能帶給她點點暖意吧!


The weather becomes slightly cool after mid-autumn festival. My daughter is physically weak since child and she starts to complaint the coming of cold winter. Recently the weather is more than lovely around 26 - 27∘degree, but then she has to put on thick coat and long trousers. I hope this soap likes sunshine and warm up my pity child !  

Both cinnamon and ginger are warm and hot herbs, improve circulation and warm the body. Ginger is kind of “rubefacient” means bring the blood to skin surface while scrubbing. I specially add ginger grain making the soap an exfoliating scrub texture. This soap contains over 60% olive oil and blend with shea butter, it’s absolute rich and soothing. While I was thinking the color is a little strange, but my daughter said she loves it because it looks like a piece of granite.         
售價: HK$ 60 (80g)

每塊手工皂平均 80g ±5%。由於手製皂是以全人手切割,當中呎吋及重量可能有輕微偏差。大部份的手製皂於切割時會重過80g,但當中的水份會隨時間而揮發,導致重量可能有輕微偏差。購物每滿HK$100贈送手製皂試用裝一塊/ 15g。

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