由她的分享、轉化和思維路向的共振下,我在09年上了初班,直至10年1月完成高班。奇妙的attunement一次一次把我和大自然的力量連結得更深層,更加體會那股靈氣發揮Healing效果。2010年像時空一閃便過了。沒擔心,沒執著,開心面對每一天,果然心想事成。隨心而行的意識,一次又一次帶來意想不到的收獲。一切都很美。連身體多年的氣管病也失蹤了。也令我從沉醉在物質豐盛中開悟了。原因,我的小我遠離了,我放下了自我的高傲和批判,我的眼和心寬了。我愛上了大自然。我被這思維轉化和自然的協調感動了。Thank you Reiki。
This was a whole different world for me and it felt fairly difficult to remember all the notes in the beginning. After a few practice, every steps came natural to me and everybody, I enjoyed the home feel of the course since we were in very closed contact to each student, tutors and teacher. Life was exceptionally tranquil and entertaining. I loved the hot water spring to finish the day and I enjoyed the nice chat to everyone. Everybody cared for everyone and it did gave me a sense of belongings. The course made everyone felt a valued member of the team. It was a definite plus to have so many tutors and they were tremenduous helpful in every learning steps. I was more at ease with everyone's company and more willing to ask and discuss questions that needed clarifying.
I was lucky to be able to spend time with students from Taiwan, old and new friends and I ate at different tables vegetarian or non vegetarians. The cruisines were great and fairly reasonable priced. We bought all kinds of snack and some were healthy food and some were my favourite snacks. We ate so much of it and it was amazing.
I found it trememduous that we were able to learn so much in such a short time and the most valuable experiences were we were allowed many opportunities to share the feeling deep down in our soul. We were told very specific to share our inner feelings and not any practical work. I found myself more at ease with the whole concept of Reiki and was much more willing to test it all out. We were giving many opportunities to test out our new learn skills and was able to find out how effective they were. Life is not completed if I did not attend this class. I am a new born Reiki Master and the sky is the limit. During the process of learning, it was very clear that I was able to make future plan and schedule for my Reiki path due to the constantly practice of how to communicate with the universe. This seemed to give me more brain power to use my potential.
I was able to practice my skills in the Reiki Centre afterwards and I was so grateful about this because I then consolidated all my learning and put it into good use. My friend fell in Hang Chow, China and had a crack in the bone of her ankle and was in serious pain, I was able to use Reiki to calm her down and reduced the pain before the Ambulance came. She told me at the hospital bed that it only hurt if she moved her ankle if not, it did not hurt at all. Her husband also thanked me for using the Reiki to obviously reduce her pain. I also use Reiki to help myself with a very bad sore throat and cough, I was more having an allergy because the air pollution in Hong Kong always bordered my throat. Every time I was in serious pain and uncontrollable cough, I was able to use Reiki to smoothy myself and I did not attempt to take any medicine at all.
All these were dued to the successful learning environment of having the Reiki Master Course in a resort so we were able to concentrate our body and mind, the energy level of such a big group of people definitely was a good driving force to achieve the highest outcome of such high standard course. It gave me a very comfortable beginning to excel in the speed which suits my route of my liking of being a Reiki Master. I did touch, feel and smell what a Reiki Master should be.
Dr. 在最後的結語裡說︰不要成為一個孤獨的人!要進入人群裡與人連結…這似乎又喚醒了另一層面一直只想要孤獨自己的我。是的,過去的我只想成為孤獨的人。我只想活在自己的世界裡!我覺得這個世界不是我的世界,我只是活在自己的世界裡…我的世界是一個烏托邦的理想世界!我曾經夢想去拯救地球,我覺得這是我的使命(當時身邊的人都覺得我瘋了)。