CP60 酪梨滋養皂 Avocado Baby Soap
My little son is vegetarian, he well knows about avocado since his first paste food. Even though the scent and color have changed after mixed with the soap liquid, but it still shows up its mild and nourishing while well mixed with avocado oil and olive oil. If you are feeding healthy and nutrient food for your lovely baby everyday, then why still using harmful and toxic detergent on him ? 售價: HK$ 60 (80g)
每塊手工皂平均 80g ±5%。由於手製皂是以全人手切割,當中呎吋及重量可能有輕微偏差。大部份的手製皂於切割時會重過80g,但當中的水份會隨時間而揮發,導致重量可能有輕微偏差。購物每滿HK$100贈送手製皂試用裝一塊/ 15g。
所有Sisa手工肥皂、Sisa Essence芳療產品
www.sisahandmade.com |