Biotta Organic Vita 7 有機七種綜合維他命果汁
* 含七種果汁之綜合維他命,補充正餐吸收不足的蔬果營養。
* 增強免疫系統。
* 綜合橙汁、胡蘿蔔汁、香蕉汁、蘋果汁、鳳梨汁、葡萄汁、海鼠李莓汁、檸檬汁、乳清 (奶類製品)。
* 具小朋友喜愛的豐富水果味道 , 適合兒童及六個月以上開始食用副食品的嬰兒都可飲用。
* 榮獲2006 "Best of Bio Award" 最佳有機綜合果汁獎。
* Your daily source for vital substances: orange, carrot, banana, apple, pineapple, grape, sea blackthorns berries, beetroot, lemon juice and whey.
* Great source of multi-vitamin for children and babies over 6 month.
* Improves immunity.
* Received the 2006 "Best of Bio Award" for multi-vitamin juice.
零售價: HK$ 58 (500ml) |